Policy Architects International is a private research, consulting and advisory services organization that concentrates on services needed in international policy areas, including international security, economic development, technology transfer, trade controls, public and private assistance and direct investment. Based in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, PAI provides analytical, planning and information services to government agencies, private firms, non-government organizations and public international organizations. PAI specializes in analytical, information and liaison services needed by decision makers for planning, policy development, and project implementation in the international arena.

Highlighted PAI Publications:
Conventional Military Imbalance and Strategic
Stability in South Asia by Rodney W. Jones, President of
PAI for University of Bradford/SASSU.
The U.S. War on Terrorism: Religious Radicalism and Nuclear Confrontation in South Asia by Rodney W. Jones, President of PAI.
Minimum Nuclear Deterrence Postures in South Asia: an Overview
by Policy Architects International
written for the Advanced Systems and Concepts Office of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Recent Book: Tracking Nuclear Proliferation by Rodney W. Jones, President of PAI, and associates at the Carnegie Endowment.
More publications by PAI personnel.
Links to other research centers.

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Last modified: Thu Jan 4 14:37:33 EST 2007